The Silence Tree


Photo: Queensland Performing Arts Trust

A Children's Opera in One Act

Trimble, a shy little creature, spends every day tidying the leaves in the forest, assisted by his bossy friends, Clatter and Yap. He has a special tree which grew from a seed from a flower his dying mother gave him - but the tree has never flowered. The orderly routine is interrupted by the appearance of Silence, a mischievous clown-like being. Clatter and Yap resent the intrusion. The ensuing argument shocks Trimble out of his shyness and the Silence Tree finally flowers. A gentle, magical opera with subtle humour and audience participation.

Duration: 40 minutes
Silence (soprano)
Clatter (mezzo)
Trimble (tenor/baritone)
Yap (bass)
Piano accompaniment

Performing Materials: fox & fox music international



Previous and current performances, including Tulsa Opera’s 2011-2012 Opera on Tour Program

Operas for Children